Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Racism in the Undemocratic Party of California

Dan Waters writing about the desire to spend state school funds focusing on large schools or not. The legislature is concerned that without controls, the small districts will spend more on salaries, and less on, rather than devoted to the students who needed extra academic attention to catch up with their more affluent classmates. I am not sure what this means, doing this is labor intensive, small or large districts; and that means competitive wages.

Here is a clue:
That had the effect of shifting the high-stakes battle for control of the money to the board, which is appointed by the governor, but advocates for the poor kids, including the American Civil Liberties Union and some Latino rights groups, concluded that the legislation itself contained too many potential loopholes. Read more here:
Latino rights are best preserved in large schools, because latinos congregate there I presume. But Latinos are a plurality here in California, they are simply using their plurality to fund their special race, at the expense of other races.

I suggest they change their name to Poor Rights, that is who really ends up in large schools, poor kids. Otherwise, sooner or later California will have a hellava lawsuit on its hands.

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