Friday, December 20, 2013

The nutcases in the Fresno, CA city hall

We have a city council that has less than ten days cash in the budget. Yet, we have one city councilman who wants to provide retirement services for every stray dog in town!  The city is too meth addicted to be self-governed, we are like Oakland, not yet evolved enough for self rule.

So, the City Council passes this law that says we cannot have a non-operable car on our property. Just amazing.  My truck, in my driveway, which I seldom use, has a low tire, and the city code police cited me. They are not going to collect either my car, which they threatened to take. So far they have spent at least $200 driving up to my house three different times, taking photos and leaving nasty notes.  I called the lawyers at city hall to find out if they actually had any brains.  They did, and they admitted they were not going to steal my car.  I will fix the flat, and the city will now have nine days of cash on the city budget to provide retirement services for all the dogs in town.

Seriously,  when a town has 10% of its voters brain damaged from meth and another 30% that do not speak the language; the normal procedure is to shut down the government due to incompetence.

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