Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What you know, Kevin Drum, is what passes the Orwellian censors

Some folks have granted their free speech right to the NYT Orwellian society.
That said, after more than a year of investigation we know a lot. And while I was out of town, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times produced a state-of-the-art summary of where the best evidence leads us. The whole piece is well worth reading, but I'd highlight a couple of things.

It is no surprise, we notice the hemming and hawing in your prose when you near the border of allowable ideas. We also notice the other half, Yglesias, not limited to little boutique articles, so as not to tread across Orwellian waters. Both of these sold their soul's a long time ago, both forced into bondage by the NYT, Wall Street, and the political masters in DC.

Nuestros derechos de libertad de expresión, restringidos por el maestro político en DC.

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