Friday, September 16, 2016

Talking heads are not bright bulbs

Efficiency, Trump can sell hotel rooms while being president. I like the idea of a part time president, make the Swamp wait while he sells a few hotels.

Zero Hedge: The major television networks refused Friday to use or distribute footage of Donald Trump’s “press” tour of his new Washington, D.C., hotel because the Republican nominee didn’t allow reporters to attend.
Trump had just finished playing the cable networks, luring them into carrying 20 minutes of praise from veterans before finally admitting that President Barack Obama was born in the United States. That very brief admission came after he had fueled the lie of birtherism for the past five years. Trump then left the stage without taking questions that journalists surely had about that long-running crusade and his repeated false claim that Hillary Clinton had started the racist birther movement.The Republican nominee next led a tour of his new hotel without his press pool, the small group of journalists designated to follow the candidate at an event and provide details for the larger press corps. The campaign allowed visuals of the hotel tour by permitting a photographer and a cameraperson to come along. But they didn’t allow the designated print reporter or ABC News’ Candace Smith, who was physically prevented from fulfilling her role as the TV pool reporter.

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