Sunday, September 18, 2016

Who would lose them?

If Football Teams Heeded Science and Reason, They Would Win a Lot More Games

Didn't read the article, but we can have fun with the title.  We have a Nash equilibrium issue, this is most definitely a surface with a universally observable peak.  So, in theory, this will not be saddle back mountain where teams are confused aout the path forward.  They have to come to near Nash equilibrium, but never quite there.  Why never?  This system enforces re-quantization, so Nash suffers the cost of quantization and the path forward is herky jerky.

So, not every team can follow the strategy in the same game.  The effects of enforced quantization noise forces one to two teams on the field to revert to old tactics, one team will have been randomly shoved down the side of the mountain peak, by time and noise.  That team to pay the restructuring fee, real time.

In terms of surface, he aggregates discover and create the surface, forcing it into a sharp quantized peak and season's end, called the Super Bowl

What about the law of Large numbers?

Over the season, a measure of strategy dictates one form, the ventral tendency pointing to the form..  But, when the game clock winds down, the samples on the field come much faster than the samples over the season, there is a spectral mismatch.  The game clock skews the sample rate as it forces re-quant, there is a finite time, over all, and that stresses the surface.

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