Sunday, August 16, 2009

Oakland voted for disastor with the Airport Connector

The Oakland and Bay area politicians have been hoodwinked with 19th century technology to connect the Oakland Airport with BART. The airport connector has ballooned to a half billion, and counting. It has fewer stops, takes longer and costs three times as much per ticket. It makes the crazy mistake that overhead guideways and rails are needed in the modern world of digitally assisted BRT. It will fail.

I do not need to go into the details, readers can refer to TransForm which has the right solution, they call RapidBART. Total cost of RapidBart? Almost 90% less than the boondogle proposed. These are the government decisions that create double dip recessions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about this boondoggle. I encourage you and anyone else who wants to stop this project to sign the petition opposing the Oakland Airport Connector and demanding a better connector: