Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why is Meg McArdle mailing out wedding invitations?

I went to the post office today to mail our wedding invitations. They are, I grant, a sort of odd shape--large and square. (This is what happens when you outsource your wedding invitations to India, apparently). So they take an odd amount of postage.
Then she complains about the Post Office not being efficient in mailing out these things.

Firsty, almost all, if not all, of her guests are likely people she talks to on the phone, e mails, or responds to via her blog.

Second, the invitations are great momentos of her wedding, but what the hell does having a post mark on them do for her friends. They could just as easily received a much better print brochure of her wedding upon arrival. She could contact them for invitations using the modern communications, and then give them something much better in person, using the modern invention of the laser printer, or color ink jet.

But no, she thinks the Post Office has no purpose in life except to tolerate useless paper conventions from 40 years ago.

It is Meg who is behind the times and showing bureaucratic inefficiency, not the post office. The post office would like nothing more than to exit an ancient service and get in with competition with Fedex and UPS.

Meg McArdle reveals herself to be a typical Big Government conservative, trying to subsidize government inefficiency because she fears change.

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