Saturday, October 9, 2010

Google has a secret Robocar?

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Anyone driving the twists of Highway 1 between San Francisco and Los Angeles recently may have glimpsed a Toyota Prius with a curious funnel-like cylinder on the roof. Harder to notice was that the person at the wheel was not actually driving. The car is a project of Google, which has been working in secret but in plain view on vehicles that can drive themselves, using artificial-intelligence software that can sense anything near the car and mimic the decisions made by a human driver.

Great, can we see the open software?

This report brings to mind the Pay for Speed, from my favorite Non-partisan candidate in Nevada. Let's make robo software mandatory for speeding cars, then let their cars drive on the HOT lanes at speeds to 90. Then, if they are on protected lanes the limit goes up to 110. Toll them all the way, and pay for new lane space.

Here is a blog posting about the project from a Google engineer.

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