Friday, November 12, 2010

Greenhouses emissions again

Yglesias usually writes half the equation and assumes the second half based on a fantasy. We should all correct him on the concept of greenhouse gases, and the general conscept of fee for service vs general taxes.  Here we go:

Yglesias thinks that the equilibrium conditions for solving the greenhouse gas problem is to tax the emitters and ignore the conservers.  There are groups of people who actually want less emissions, less greenhouse and they work collectively and individually to reduce carbon footprints.  Their hard efforts get unrewarded, they end up paying an inefficiency fee to government, because government kept the damages that they are incurring!   Greenhouses damages vary by geography, location, and industry. Victims vary in their own carbon footprint.

Under the Yglesias formula, government will increasingly use up more and more energy, doing services inefficiently, and with debt, induced by the damage fees that government keeps but does not own. The Yglesias formulas are generally not sustainable, because half the equation contains fiction. Going through Yglesias we all wish he would understand the difference between a government business with a fee for service, and the general tax obligation.

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