Monday, March 28, 2011

Martin Wolf is losing credibility

Our arguments about the US federal budget are now all about deficits and debt: the effect of the budget on the budget. We are cutting government spending with little thought to the value of the public services forgone, and no thought at all to the effect on production, jobs and incomes. He says.
He is wrong and simply engages in wishful thinking on behalf of who knows. If we didn't have a budget crisis then we wouldn't have the Senate on a 3 week budget cycle. If we didn't have a crisis, then John Lockyer in California wouldn't be warming up the laser Printer. If we didn't have a crisis then my own county of Fresno would not be preparing for a near term bankruptcy.

Let's try an experiment. Let's not make a budget, let's have the Senate go back to its traditional role of declaring pompous postulates and making war. Let us see what happens on Apr 9.

What is Martin Wolf's point here? That he is not a member of Congress and he likes to write delusional articles for the FT Times. I would rather listen to the elected officials who actually make the budget, they , not Martin, determine if there is a budget crisis.

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