Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jerry Brown is supposed to learn

Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed legislation requiring California utilities to get one-third of their power from renewable sources, giving the state the most aggressive alternative energy mandate in the U.S.

California utilities and other electricity providers have until the end of 2020 to draw 33% of their power from solar panels, windmills and other renewable sources. Brown signed the bill at a solar panel manufacturing plant near San Jose. ...

Previous California law required utilities to get 20% of their power from renewable sources. Supporters of the higher standard said it will reassure investors and keep money flowing to develop alternative energy sources. They say that will lead to cleaner air and job growth in the clean-energy sector. ...

Critics of the legislation said sticking with traditional energy sources such as coal and natural gas would be cheaper, keeping costs down for business and residential ratepayers. Business groups point to estimates that the higher standard could drive up electricity costs for California ratepayers more than 7%, despite language in the legislation to limit cost increases. USA Today

Gray Davis and Pete Wilson tried this stunt. Restrict supply by regulation and increase demand by price controls. What happens, sooner or later, is that politicians forget about the light switch, the ability of consumer to moderate the demand on their own. Politicians in a panic can cause some serious economic damage, Brown should not encourage political hysteria with impossible law. What was the cost last time? Gray Davis panicked and we blew $40 billion, Davis was outsted. Davis later conceded that in fact the light switch can adjust the flow of electricity.

HT Jim Whitehead

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