Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wall Street conspires with Timmy to scare American voters

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has had conversations with top Wall Street executives, asking how close Congress could push to the debt limit deadline without sending interests rates soaring and causing stock prices to go lower, people familiar with the matter said. Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said Tuesday night that he was not aware of any such conversations.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has warned Congress that without new borrowing authority, the federal government could hit the statutory debt limit by May 16.

What did Michael Pettis say? It is always the middle class voter that pays the bill for a sovereign debt crisis. Here Timmy cares more about his Socialist Banking network then he does the representatives of the American voter. What is wrong with the American voter that they get bullied by NYC traders? What is going on?  When the elites get the hysteria, they throw democracy out the window.

Billy Kristol get war declaration power, Wall Street determines policy. If this is the best the Tea party can do, we're screwed.

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