Monday, May 16, 2011

Pete Domenici, some guy from New Mexico

Because he was elected senator in a state with 3 congressional districts, he claims to be a respected expert on DC Debt.  His expertise comes from a skewed and roundly anti-democratic Senate, and he represents no one in particular at this time.

Why would we listen to someone whose fame rests on anti-democratic elitism?  Dunno, but this person from New Mexico claims to have inside information that the world will fall apart if the middle class doesn't fund Timmy's socialist banking network.

I still rely in Michael Pettis for my expertise, and Michael tells us that the elites always make the middle class pay for  bankrupt government actions.

If I look at the return on federal taxes I see that the Tax Foundations 2005 study shows New Mexico gets $2 back for each $1 in federal taxes. Nice gig for New Mexico. Here in California we pay a 25% penalty for being part of the DC gang, and we get 1/5 of a Senator.

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