Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nevada and the federal deficit

On some days, the pilots with Great Lakes Airlines fire up a twin-engine Beechcraft 1900 at the Ely, Nev., airport and depart for Las Vegas without a single passenger on board. And the federal government pays them to do it.

Federal statistics reviewed by The Associated Press show that in 2010, just 227 passengers flew out of Ely while the airline got $1.8 million in subsidies. The travelers paid $70 to $90 for a one-way ticket. The cost to taxpayers for each ticket: $4,107. AP

Reid has got taxpayers fooled since they pay something like 25 cents extra for each of the dollars they send to DC. One might think Nevada voters are a bit smarter, but maybe not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you blame Reid for this when both Ensign and Heller had/have congressional office space in Ely.