Monday, August 1, 2011

Only liars write for the NYT

JACOB S. HACKER and OONA A. HATHAWAY spend  16 paragraphs talking about our unbalanced democracy and not once did they mention mal-proportionment in the Senate. Let me remind these numbskulls that California has 1/10 of the requisite average Senate representation.  I expect bad math form the NYT, so let me do the numbers:

535 Congressional districts for 100 Senators makes 5.35 districts per Senator.  California gets 25 districts per Senator.
Are we getting this now?

Who linked to this article? Thoma, as if to prove some point about the House. The House is the only democracy we have in DC, I can only conclude that Thoma is a part of the Monarchy the Keynesians are trying to intsall in DC.

1 comment:

Ellie K said...

Mark Thoma seems like a decent sort. I follow him on Twitter. I have noticed that he has a tendency to load up on links, then rapid-fire them into the ether. They're probably linked to his blog as well, so it would be easy for him to make a mistake.

On the other hand, you are much better informed about political economy than I am. My interests are diffuse. Maybe that's an excuse. More accurately, I lack focus, unlike you.

But I'd pause before concluding that Thoma is
a part of the Monarchy the Keynesians are trying to install in DC

There is so much mis-information and strife flying about now, as you mentioned. Most of it is driven by fear. Which is well-justified. The fear, that is.

Actually, I have no idea what Thoma is about. But he does link to your blog, Better Economics, on his website (you're on his blogroll). So he clearly considers you a credible information source and respects your insights.

I'm not sure what to think of Interfluidity, Randy Scott Waldman. That is very public information, he doesn't conceal his identity at all. He has treated me with more decency and kindness than most of that crowd. I didn't read the post, just your summary, but any conjecture about GDP and embezzlement needs some quantitative facts to be taken seriously. But I don't know what to think about anything anymore. Subterfuge and strategizing of the sort that is going on now is beyond me. I like axioms, logic, disclosure, discourse and compromise.

Be well, Better Economics.