Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Senate goodie factory at work

The Senate wouldn't pass Federal Aviation Authority funding until the small airport subsidies were restored for small, over-representated states.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) indicated Tuesday that he would be OK with the Senate passing the House FAA bill, though one of three airports targeted in the Essential Air Service cuts by the House is in his home state of Nevada.

"We learned with this big deal ... sometimes you have to step back and find out what's best for the country and not be bound by some of your own personal issues," Reid said Tuesday. "And I'm willing to give that up. I hope the other senators will do the same." Hill

Now this means that small state senators need some compensation pretty quick, or else medium state senators will start feeling their larger goodies go away. This process is leading to the collapse of Senate operations.

By the way:
My point, all along, was that pilots could manage traffic control themselves with GPS enabled Android tablets.

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