Thursday, September 1, 2011

On line college will destroy the propaganda of Cal State

Great Courses, Great Profits
A teaching company gives the public what the academy no longer supplies: a curriculum in the monuments of human thought.Great Courses
Regular colleges, especially California state colleges, are no longer credible. They have pandered to the lowest common denominator. They have become public union protectorates.

Henderson at Econolog has been following the disaster that has become Cal State. He quotes a new student to Cal State:
Basically, I am transfering next fall to complete my BA, and was planning on a CSU [California State University] for cost purposes.
However, my studies recently have been absolutely inundated with a blatant liberal agenda, whether we're studying Chemistry ("global warming! sound the alarm!") Humanities ("why aren't more Asian Americans recognized in the arts! it's so racist!"), English ("Americans are so ethnocentrc, going around pushing English on the rest of the world") or Sociology (you do not even want to know how many "percent of hispanic americans under the poverty line" facts I have had to regurgitate on exams.) All of these studies emphasizing the victim role of every minority and prescribing a massive liberal "cure" of redistributed wealth and "social justice" no questions asked, in black and white in every textbook and lecture.

Only the web is saving American education.

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