Sunday, September 11, 2011

The new patent law was pure corruption in the Senate

American Innovators Lose Big in Newly Passed Patent Bill
Robert Nelsen
We have inadvertently put another nail in the coffin of American competitiveness. Our future, and the only way we can compete with China, is our unique ability to invent. It is the core American ideal. We can find our way out of any problem, and the little guy, be he Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Steve Jobs, Jonas Salk, or Gordon Moore, can dream big and invent new industries. All protected in their infancy by a strong patent system.

Not a single job will be created by this bill. Just happy smiles from big oil, big tech, and big pharma, lawyers and lobbyists, and with downright glee in China and the EU.

The most alarming fact is this law is just part of an even larger assault on innovation in the USA. Everywhere you turn, there is less capital available, higher taxes proposed on small business investors, more regulations on IPO companies and investors, an FDA gone wild, and crazy immigration and border policies that drive the best and brightest from our shores. The talk in Washington seems to be all about innovation saving us, and the policies seem to be all about killing it.

Mostly about payola transfer from Big Corporation to my 1/10 of a Senator, Babs Boxer of the Marin County Mafia.

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