Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's a Json/Bson world

My latest web market survey of who is getting it and who isn't in semantic machine.

In the industry, one thing we should all be aware is that it is Jxon text in, Bson text between machines. Humans talk Json, and within Json they can have machine executable code, carry, script code, operator identifiers, and bound objects. The Bots carry this stuff around and request to apply the code at machines,

So the data base industry has to get what happens at the Bson level, how to the bots communicate?

How is my code coming?
Imagisoft's revolutionary , open source engine.

Great, I have nailed this thing. The solution is the semantic graph layer which can lie atop a number of machines, my preference still Sqlite3. My software will win this battle, it talks Json in and Bson between he machines. And the human console has a very free flowing, forgiving Json parser. The input Json query goes straight to sql based Bson, ready to rumble.

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