Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Let's keep going on this

In my last post, my example of a nested index look like:

That is serialized Json, and works well in the engine, frankly. The thing is traversing that well formed descending graph without loops, is nLogN, where N is the graph rank, and we assume constant look up at each table.  But the tables are row indexed, the code knows exactly where we are hopping to and Sqlite3 gets what the code knows.   Over one table, we might have nested a total of 20,000 entries, each entry having 3 triples of object.  But they are all integer arithmetic locations.   Generating the nested tables is a snap with  Qson rewrite grammar, tou know we always get a Gout in a @G1,G2.   lot of optimization solutions and differentiation solutions to make value here.  

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