Monday, February 13, 2012

Two Jsons meet on a street

If Json lets me state, Name:Value, then why? Because somewhere else they know what to do with Name. In semantic networks, the long form traversal, the other thing is a another Name:Value, nearly like it.


We know we get the simple result, everybody is named, easy to find. The right hand side may cause further action with the result, but query by example, in the long form, is simply setting up a 'call', collecting the proper parameters by name. Great, simple rule of default graph grammar.

Then my search graph, the left side only, expands:


Find the parameter named N1, and recover the elements needed for whatever reason. From there, the real NoSql is to have a syntax for enforced schema, where the required shcema is a proper subset. The from there allow enforced schema, like a caste, and collect from the top of each descent down, until the caste fulfilled.

Use the wild cards, Luke, use the wild cards.


Like a typedef???

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