Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Kanosian policy screws up an other economy

Sweden.  What did Krugman ask for?  He wanted and got, a sky high housing bubble. So now the Swedish Central bank tells us:

"Valuations on both the asset markets and the housing market in particular are unusually high at present [and] this means that the probability of a fall in prices is elevated," the bank says, adding that "together with increasing indebtedness in the household sector, this has made households, the financial institutions and the financial system as a whole more vulnerable."

In other words, centeral banking built upong the MIT Basket Weaver fraud is just that, a fraud.  Noe Sweden is frigged thanks to all the bozos at MIT that the defense department funded in the 70s.  Thease idiots think the world is filled with invisi le Euler police who have the perfect pricing menu for every living thing.

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