Sunday, February 4, 2018

Making food stamps mobile

The monetary system we call food stamps has limitations.  It has a count and a timeout, I think.  The stamp are cleared for dollars, by government. And you have to buy food.

Now, in the sandbox, food is one or more distribution channels with a futures market, hence a food channel is a set of food suppliers in-outers, all legally qualified to accept transact food stamps.

The food stamp contract, to the client, is a guarantee for a hundred dollars in the food network.    There is no legal restriction against the client issuing a food bot into the food network to shop for food futures. Nor would it be illegal for a set of food suppliers to agree to keep 5% of the food at price risk, have it issued into delivery before it is all covered by food stamps.  That is a legal risk for the food supplier in the sandbox.

Where I am driving at is contract inheritance. We can create the new and improved food coin, as long as we inherit all the properties of food stamps. Food coin can offer S&L, it can change the timeout and counts used on food stamps to something more useful.

Then buy food at the pit, you own it, and bit error is owned by traders  present. The pit boss and escrow routers here are simply acting as lawyers on record for the thumb prints, and the thumb prints are pre-qualified. Food coins are routed just like any other escrow  asset.

The idea here is to take food stamps, encapsulate that into food coin, then offer S&L pit and food order books and food pits in one huge agglomeration.

The government backs food stamps. That makes a great base, but rules prevent us from trading directly with dollars, except when legally clearing food stamps.

That is enforceable, the food stamp office can actually enforce the no coin exchange contract on its clients with smart cards.

What is the alternative?  Define the welfare budget, with risk levels set properly,. The government clearing house can impose contract limitations on its recipients. Government agencies support intelligent cash card, so bankers take note.

Then give the poor tax dollars.  The sandbox will automatically enroll them in all standard banking pits. We are driven by the next  big marvel, the personal contract extended far into finance.

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