A scalable verification solution for blockchains
They have exactly the right idea, but developed it before the spectre discovery.
They create the industry of notaries with the intermediate reconciliation layer. The intermediate notaries perform the task of 'pseudo' pipeline, but otherwise execute exactly the way we need for escrow routers.
The short cuts introduced by these intermediate notaries is the shortest path under hardware pipeline control.
The interlocks of protocol verification, requested by one or more of the counterparties, are a priced queue, hence optimally congested ,meaning they notaries are priced accurately to the sandbox normal blockchain feed.
Why does this work?
Because traders are motivated not to cheat, so most of the completion proofs require less resources as counterparties are economically incentivized to beat the cheaters in their own game. Traders will pay for early checks on cheaters in order to avoid the cost of a complete blockchain request.
I rarely invent this stuff, I usually make connections. But vendors have to actually build the stuff so they always appear relatively mis-aligned in the layered structure that emerge. No problem, Truebit is a good start.
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