Tuesday, June 29, 2021

I am no longer beyond the pale


Joe Biden Is Leaving Kamala Harris In a No-Win Situation

Now it’s no longer beyond the pale to point out that Joe Biden is leaving Kamala Harris to handle all of his no-win situations.

I looked it up: 

By the 14th century, the Norman invasion of Ireland was struggling. Too many Normans had "gone native" like Colonel Kurtz and assimilated into Irish life. The remaining settlers had retreated to just four eastern counties: Louth, Meath, Dublin, and Kildare. These four "obedient shires" were the only part of Ireland still under the control of the English crown. The king's perimeter was marked with wooden fence posts pounded into the Irish turf. These were called "pales," from the Latin palus, meaning "stake." 

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