Sunday, September 18, 2022

Civil War

Biden warns US democracy threatened, but how can he save it?

  • Geralisimo DeSantis crossing state lines to attack Venezuelans in Texas
  • President of the Confederacy Trump selling nuclear secrets.
  • GOP supporting our sworn enemy.
  • GOP forming militia convoys for an armed attack on the capital
  • Bannon leading a regiment of 20,000 armed confederates
  • Greg Abbot exporting weapons to our southern enemies
  • And terrorist mass shooting supported by Texas and Florida and Virginia
Joe can handle this with a few F-16 attacks on the two state capitals. Bannon will fold, the man is an ignorant coward. Special forces pick up the scraps like Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone and Peter Thiel. Run the rest of that crew on down south to Mexico. 

 If Ukraine can handle Ruskie then certainly we can handle this loser bunch of rebels.

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