Friday, October 7, 2022

Low cost, lightweight multi-phase, distributed radar

 In point defense against multiple attackers, using drones, the advantage is the defender. The fundamental reason is that the defender can get its sognal to noise rising with less power and wegith the attacker needs to cross the coverage area.  

For cheaper drones I can send aerial observer UAVs. The defendee gets the longer look and uses less power/weight by shortening the battle field. Like this:

And this:

Light weight signal processing. circuit boards.

Receiving is very light weight so we have very low cost methods put the receiving antennas up in the air with lightweight, coordinate phased array target detector. We can do at covering drones over a ten thousand foot radius, or higher. The defender knows more, is prepared and response with a 3 to 1 power weight advantage.  

One or two transmitters and many receivers, all digitally coordinated is the best S/N the defender has.  This concept can be extended in coverage, for a nation like Ukraine. It is extremely low cost to put up simple radar receiver, electric UAV.  Receiver switching times are faster, and use cheaper electronics. Antennas can be put inside fuselages easily.  This is stuff I used to do when I worked.

Anyway, I fully expect my readers in the military agency  to get a clue.

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