Friday, July 22, 2011

Jerry Brown Wants To Cut CA Medicaid 10%

Politicians shifting around the liability bubble in the government channel. Brown sends some liabilities to the county and city, some up to DC. DC with Affordable Care sends some liability to the state. And so on. In the article you will discover that 1/3 of the stimulus was used to sustain Medicaid, even as Pelosi and Affordable Care made Medicaid more unsustainable..

The debate comes as California seeks to plug a $26.6 billion budget gap, the worst of the 50 states. To get there, the state last month adopted a bare-bones budget for 2011-2012 that slashes Medicaid by about $1.4 billion.

In a June 27 letter to the president, Brown urged Obama to approve the state’s request.

“California has enacted huge and extraordinarily painful spending cuts to close our multibillion-dollar budget gap,” Brown wrote. “We did our part to reduce state and federal Medicaid spending by eliminating optional benefits, reducing provider payments and requiring beneficiary cost sharing.” Hill

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