Tuesday, July 26, 2011

CBPP proposals to cause massive poverty

Networks theorists release Statement: July 25, 2011
For Immediate Release
Statement: Robert Greenstein's horribly ignorant mathematics on the Boehner proposal are part of a CBPP plot to ensure poverty in America

In their proposal for more poverty in America, the CBPP posit that only central government can provide welfare for regional groups of poor. In fact, a survey of Europe reveals that almost all their entitlements come from regional government. Regional governments in the USA are held back from responding to the needs of poor because groups like the CBPP only exists due to the concentration of government in DC. As central government cedes more power to regional governments, groups like CBPP will fight decentralization every step of the way. The result? Poor people in America  will never have the chance for efficient entitlements, as they do in Europe.

Progressives everywhere should shut down the CBPP for hammering poor people across America. The religion of the Great Exogenous is a disaster sprung upon Americans by elites protecting their own positions in Washington.

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