Saturday, July 23, 2011

A French Minister spouts baldface lies

Francois Baroin, the French finance minister:
France will not need to introduce austerity measures in response to increased debt exposure from the euro zone's new rescue plan for Greece, its finance minister said on Saturday.

Baroin, who recently succeeded IMF-bound Christine Lagarde, told the newspaper: "France is participating in the form of a guarantee.

"...Since last year, European statisticians have told us that the debt of the European Financial Stability Facility (bailout fund) should be linked to each country according to what it guaranteed.

"Beyond that accounting impact, France doesn't need to borrow more and our deficit isn't impacted. Neither the EFSF nor obviously France will be impoverished by this plan."Mish
Starsky and Mulkle just screwed their respective middle classes out of hundreds of billions, they both will be booted from office at the next opportunity.

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