Saturday, November 19, 2011

Making ontology pointers in sqlite3

Been working the problem but not writing code. The best solution is a combination of triggers and the pointer call back vunction.

When writing ontology nested orders, the set blocks have to be updated when closed and opened. That means looking back at the output, but not too bad. So the G machine does an output 5retult6, the trigger fires and updates any set pointers that have closed.

The whole principle of G machine is that it keeps no state information, except about the current nodes,the node at current graph pointers for self and other. So when a subgraph undergoing convolution selects a table jump, or a URL jump or adds another set element, the G macine keeps ink state information stores in the top link of an incoming jump, and the boottom link of a outgoing jump.

The same principle holds for adding another set element when the elements have variable length. Any new element requires recovering the pointer from the previous element (a simple subtract). The recovered link statw info is inserted into the head of the new set elemet. Sets have closing elements in the grammar, so when a set closes, the link state for the previous open set is carried along. The SQL trigger which does some of this requires two read and an update.

I should have it done is a few days, and I will call it version 1.1.

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