Friday, November 25, 2011

The default treatment of an arbitrary sql table

The requirement of the _@ triple is that there exists at least one table that is in graph triple format. So, I think the assumption here is that the left argument is at least triple format:


The default graph for the arbitray table would be: row1.(col1:col2:::),row2.(col1:col2:::) and assumed rectangular, so its a regular linear structured graph. I think the default might know the keywords col1,col2,.. or maybe not.

But g has at least one conformal graph. Generally the jumping off point is either the command line or the config table, so directing g to the appripriate triple store is manageable.

But the right argument is assumed to be, at least, a linear table of key words by default, with a discoverable column name schema and value type. How does G know? Well for now, it is looking for the first three columns to have names key,link,pointer. That a match for my g machine.

Without a triple in the first three columns, the client gets data as a linear keyword matches or the client imposes a schema. If the second argument does have three triple columns, then the machine still makes no assumptions about the remaining columns. It treats then as a descending set attached to the row triple. In other words, I think the machine assumes rowset,column descent when no information is available, but row triple, column set when the three triple columns are there. Not sure.

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