Monday, November 21, 2011

Graph convolutions with SPARQL

Look, the w3c group has produced a language and set of operations for ontology networks. They list graph traversal operators. They say things like this:
The result of a query is a solution sequence, corresponding to the ways in which the query's graph pattern matches the data. There may be zero, one or multiple solutions to a query.
See, here it is. Operator mappings make G machine compatible. Their system would come with operator property specifications, and hopefully, G machine can swap out operator tables to be compatible. Make Sqlite3 a SPARQL machine.
Look at their query form:
PREFIX foaf: some URL
SELECT ?name ?mbox
{ ?x foaf:name ?name .?x foaf:mbox ?mbox }

See what they intend? They are adapting the underlying sqlite3 system to ontology. Those ? marks look especially like parameter mappings in sqlite3 embedded. But the language should admit of background pointer arithmetic to make it happen. An approximate version of the query in TE:

Or some approximate variation defined by wise geeks who know formal grammar. My intent was to limit traversal to URL schemes with mail box and name attributes, limiting the search for words k1,k2. But once geeks get it, then it is balls to the walls, Typeface Explosion, the language of ontology!

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