Saturday, December 24, 2011

Politician discovers anti-democracy

Rep. Hurt said he understands why Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) agreed to the compromise, but he's unhappy with the Senate for not coming back to the bargaining table.

"I was in the state legislature for nine years, and never heard an objection to sitting down at a conference table and ironing out differences between the (State) Senate position and the House (House of Delegates) position,” Hurt said. “The consequences of what happened (Thursday) is the House position was totally made irrelevant." WSLS
HT Topix

Politicians are generally a delusional bunch of liar scoundrels, but so much for their good side.

Here Rep Hurt discovers a symptom but fails to count to ten. The Senate problem is there is no democracy, look at the variations in Senate proportionment over the various states. Fair democracy does not make the Senate. Foolish politicians who think or expect there to be democracy, are politicians unable to count.

Rep Hurt is entangled, the Senate is the 100 folks there at the moment, and nothing more. That is entanglement, it ignores the huge anti-democtratic process that enforces Senate skew. Entanglement is the means and mechanism for enforcing the entropy norm.

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