Saturday, December 31, 2011

Web searching, target the metaphor, not the data

Web seaching is all about metaphors. What was the model scientists used last time, and try to duplicate that pattern on the web. It is a give and take between real scientists and jerks like me who blog and pester.

Scientists responde to good blogs, especially on Wiki. If I search for what might be a solution to problem X, by modeling the solution to problem Y, then either I get hits or I get obscure scientific articles. Even those articles I generally get into the articles that are relevant. In my next search and on my blog I reference the article. The bots do the rest, the scientists say, close but no cigar, then they correct me, often with new entries in Wiki.

My readers know I rerun themes. I drop a theme when my own blog appears in the search hits. Then weeks or a month later, I return to search the original theme, looking for progress of any kind.

It is not just me who does this, it is a common method of semantic communication now taking place under the covers of the web. The whole thing is intermediated by, well web bots. All the search engines constantly indexing pages. Sometime in the next year or so, we will be experimenting with bots that can suggest patterns, they are less programmed by click thrus. Interesting stuff, I do not think we all appreciate how the semantic web has already begun.

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