Thursday, November 24, 2016

Quantum entanglement and the paradox

Without understanding, or much less solving the problem let me restate the problem in yhe context of conditional probability within a channel.

Here is the issuer.

Machine A measures output from target X, and computes the total probability of outcomes. To what precision? Say, 12 bits. Machine B measures output from Target X, with Machine A off.  Same nice result, 12 bit surface of conditional probability,

Then we turn both on, the resolution drops, they can only measure to 10, and when they compare bit errors, they are correlated between machines.

That is the problem statement, no solution, barely done.  The idea here, the channel must be two way, thre Target X must be getting feedback from each machine, their sampler requires re-clocking the entire channel.  That is not the solution, that is the impossibility, we will violate laws of physics.

If we assume a bi-directional channel, it means light can bunch up and the speed of light, though constant in the limit, is an ongoing measurement within the system.  Then bi-ditecionality is a requirement of quantum entanglement, quant sizes are adjusted.  That is, the photons and the map, or clock, allocate bit error along the path. But the conclusion is always the same, no empty space.

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