The observer could see the proton as a cloud? It would be hanging from the corners of a pentagon?
Then the pentagon collapses, shooting 15 baryons, three per set, up the spout. We live in a 3-D scaled world, meaning the only 'curls' observable are the 2 and 3 prime segments.
But, bit error occasionally produces unstable 4 segment, which decay, after a hundred years or so of self-adaption. We never see 5.
Did a trace of 5 survive? Are there the random events in which the elements of the vacuum can do a 5? The speed of light would be more accurate, it could deliver information faster than a 3. A slight twist of the spacetime and bingo, it is only a 2 step between machines, not a 3, a 5 and 2 digit paired. So make a five spacetime, curve it as Albert wants and see how the path between machines might look. Plank's uncertainty will be much smaller.
So when we shoot baryons, they like to stick in threes. If the quasar had the same effect, baryons, groups of three, tied in groups of five, mostly, mostly forever.
So, in any experiment set up, some proportion of protons in the vicinity has organized to put the machines on corners of the pentagon. Events follow either a two or three step between the machines, the four dimensional humans have no way to detect their position on the loop. Spin messages make it through the short loops fastest.
How do the bubble do it?
They mostly pack in groups of three, most;ly, but their packin modes are a small set and must have complementary modes. But, there is a bit of tension still available in the fellows, and if you hit them just right, they can momentarily to a five bunch. The researchers are clueless, but the steps between machines just got real short. This is not time travel. This is a bunch of bubbles getting the best estimate for the speed of light locally. We get a spin effect that lands the estimate way out in the error tail.
We, observers, would think light constant because the til end estimates are in sets (of school girls).. We only see the one sigma portion of the speed estimate, light looks over determined to us, a constant of the vacuum, therefore. It is, in the dimensional collapse, we more than meet Iro's condition. So we set light to constant, since we know that everywhere we meet Ito, and we do, and the unit error is very small, less than Plank, but it is simply over determined measurement. The vacuum has a bit of flex we are not aware of.
This explains the EM drive, but leaves a question. What is doing 7?
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