Friday, November 11, 2016

What is left of networking companies in Singularity 1.0?

The fixed point is fuzzy for them.  Google can rent bot slots in any of the spawned trading pits, they may as well rent slots in routers, and run them the pit boss with compression by bidding. So Google can check out the local congestion, and choose to pay or not, and they can grab packets early, and dump them off to their local processors.

From the pit boss point of view the delivery of a packet is enforced by the standard, it is handed off.  The fulfillment is always handed off to an agent, trading pit is done. So, the network company is left writing hardware drivers to act as agents, eternal delivery handled by  ethereum.

See, to me,. cisco should be leading the revolution, they are not, the geeks in the big web houses are rewriting the code, to make is spawn and unspawn.

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