Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Unit of account and cash

Generally they are considered one in the same, why.

If I have a blockchain of all the dairy cows in Wisconsin, then the dairy cow might be my unit of account, but I can I do accounting?  With paper cash, I can take my cash, divide it piles, on my desk, one pile to pay each bill.  That is a unit of account, the dairy cow on the blockchain must be a security, a ledger. If the cow is in your barn, you own it.

Nor can I trade a cow with anonymity, they weight a thousand pounds. But that restriction is one of unit of account, I cannot carry an ad hoc  pile of cows to pay my electric bill, but I can stuff paper into my wallet.

But that makes bitcoin a security.  What is owned? The rights to a pile of digits in the swift system, you have hedged the central bank with inside information, and used the shortest protocol, a trade at Coinbase. Once you make the nearly instant trade at coinbase, the blockchain will eventually resolve the ledger.  So each central bank perturbation, the insiders move digits to the block chain until the central banks relents.

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