Sunday, September 20, 2009

Did Republicans screw up, yet again!

A report on distracted driving suppressed by Republicans, now comes to light under Obama?

NEW YORK (AP) - The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gathered hundreds of pages of research and warnings about the hazards of drivers using cell phones, but withheld the information from the public in part out of fear of angering Congress, a newspaper reported Monday.

The former head of the traffic safety agency, Dr. Jeffrey Runge, told The New York Times that he was urged to withhold the findings to avoid antagonizing members of Congress who warned the agency against lobbying states. Runge said transit officials told him he could jeopardize billions of dollars of its financing if Congress thought the agency had crossed the line into lobbying, the Times said.


Is this another case of the Republican Communist Party using government to destroy the economy?


We find that Barbara Boxer is adding funds to provide positive collision avoidance in Metro trains due to drivers who masturbate while driving Metro. This is called automation of our tracks, the idea is that digital systems are safer. Slowly, like a worm inching across the street, this concept might just enter the brains of our traffic planners in the next few months.

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