Sunday, January 9, 2011

Energy cost of driving an EV

Given that your EV gets a kw-hour per mile, what is that in money over the average USA?
MJ per $GDP = 9.8 Wiki, the energy efficiency of the USA.
MJ per KW-hour 3.6 Wiki, conversion of energy units
.33 kw-hour/mile Leaf mileage rating from Brad Templeton

.33*9.8/3.6 = 12 cents  per mile, energy cost of driving a Leaf, and 2.72 kw-Hour/$GDP is our economic energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency per car over the USA:
$3.07/gallon is the US average, and average USA car mileage is about 20 MPG.
That is: (1/20) * 3.07 * 2.72 or .41 kw-hour/mile, this is the electrical equivalent mileage of the average gas car.

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