Friday, January 21, 2011

Paul Ryan proposes more debt and spening

He will respond to the SOTU on how Republican Communists intend to complete their path to Federal default:
What should be made of Mr Ryan’s rhetoric? The charitable interpretation is that he is pursuing a more patient strategy of adhering to the party line until Democrats cave on entitlements, and then he will put tax increases on the table. The less charitable interpretation is that as his prominence in the party has risen, he has morphed from a principled fiscal hawk to an old-school "starve the beast" Republican for whom lower taxes always trump deficit reduction. Deficit hawks earn their feathers by championing balanced budgets even when it crosses its own party's priorities; by that standard, Mr Ryan has work to do.
The Economist.

This man, along with Eric Cantor, Ronald Reagan, Jerry Brown and Pelosi together comprise the causes of national bankruptcy.

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