Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ms Romer wants a bit of hyperinflation

Chris Romer talking from the NYT explaining to us what determines the yield curve. . True,as she pointed out, defaulting on our gold promises in 1933 allowed us a bit of hyperinflation.  She would like to repeat a partial default, how can we help in her cause?

Helping Ms Romer find some hyperinflation:

We need to shrink the domain over which dollars flow and prevent dollars from entering new monetary domains, then she gets her inflation in the residual domains, mainly DC.

We can adopt our own money here in California and the West. Can California citizens find a way to renounce our obligation toward the $15 trillion? If we Californians can do that, then most of the dollars return to the East Coast where they become illiquid and hyperinflationary.

Sounds like a plan to me. I would first upgrade the Lockyer Laser Printer. The next step would be a declaration that California only accepts California Laserbacks for taxes.  Our California Assembly  mght be a bit of a problem, they still dream of the Great Exogenous.  But they are discovering the Obama comes bearing tax bills and Choo Choo scams, not money. The idea of a Western money, complete free of the DC, would be an attraction to other Western states, and Texas could pursue a similar plan. we can upgrade the Casadian Nation in the Northwest. let Alaska join Canada.

The Internet can help: 

Continue to refuse sale taxes for on-line sales. Help Facebook advance their concept of digital money. Use the Internet for exchanges of goods by barter. Spend more time on the Internet and less time in commerce. Use the internet to help build secessionist movements. Organize on-line tax revolts in the three largest states that subsidize DC.

If Ms. Romer was really serious then we have a more direct path.  Just have Congress refuse to pay interest on the debt while Ben continues to credit Treasury with digital money.  

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