Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Are the Keynesians spooked about oil?

I am puzzling their latest plot. Is it the the oil spike, the state defaults, the unions, slow down in China? You know they deliberately ignored that last two oil spikes. If they get caught, they will be proven a fairly corrupt group. Dunno.

I also noticed the governors have gone groveling to Obama for bailouts. All they will get is more delusions of grandeur from the man. If governors want bailouts, the man who 'digitizes' there accounts is at the Fed, go see him.

And Gov Walker is rapidly being seen as a fool for screwing up strategy. What was his first step? Give away business goodies. Second step? Look like a fool. People who fund the Repuublicans have to participate in intelligent strategy, or get out of the game.

Billy Kristol an the gang are still pushing war, and expecting California to pay for it.

How's Timmy going with his socialist banking enterprise? Anybody besides China interested in falling dollars?

I look at the scene and wnder why Chinese labor wants to fund us. They would be better off rebelling.

Yale tells us to quit Arab oil, use Canadian instead.

What am I doing on theory you ask? I am deriving the natural rate of growth costant so Tim Duy can alwys get the result he wants, on a long enough timeline.

Haven't heard from Ray and the Choo Choo lately.

And other news. Good night.

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