Friday, April 1, 2011

How's my javascript? Update

The widget to manage XML files.
Well, it is stuck at experimental. I can use SQL syntax to get access to XML constructed files, using client based WebSql.

So where to. he web publisher has SQL synta to select cub-components from XML DOM trees. WebSQL serving as permastore for DOM trees. Hopefully, it is Dom trees in and Dom tress out, mainly Dom sub trees. So any publishing application, like charting or publishing, can use the select results and display the resulting dom tree. The web publisher keeps available an xml style macro list of sql queries on databases of his most favorite topics.

So, the simplicity of XML, with just the left and right arrows as markers, results in great data presentation power. The publisher can match the input to a standard publishing widget to the output of an SQL select on XML data. Presentation functions like List or Plot should always have data arguments of Dom tree form.

I cannot put XML in DOM trees without a style sheet to convert into html. Whoops.  But I still have the SQL 'select as' which I can use as a style transformation.  Using SQL views I intendt to transform the XML data directly into the form required by the client.

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