Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Will my volcanic activity theory of the ice ages hold up?

Ice core composition during the last glacial cycle.
Maybe not says:
Iron-rich dust fuelled 4 million years of ice ages

My theory says co2 levels drive temps,we get big ice melts, the crust rises suddenly, relieves pressure on molten material and volcanoes spew dust in the air blocking sun light.

The other theory say cooling creates dry deserts that spew dust and feed the ocean algae. The algae suck up the ocean CO2.

The chart above may support the latter theory because CO2 drops rapidly after the onset of dust. So the data supports the idea that the dust is directly involved with CO2 levels.

There is an intermediate theory that says volcanoes spew and algae eats.

They are going to dig up older  ice cores to get back to a million years ago.

The good news here is that the new theory supports the idea that algae growth may be a rapid mechanism to control global temperature.  Let's go algae farming!

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