Saturday, January 7, 2012

Build your own college

What is the basic need of every undergraduate student? Access to a bonded notary that can verify his completion of the on line course. Or, a professor from the local university sets up a business, on line evaluation and coordinator, he bonds the completion of the on line material. Hey, a new business model for education independent on line evaluater.

Anyway, the undergraduate needs this person, and needs.... Nope that's it. Local library has internet. What is big are the labs. Physical schools focus on labs, outdoors, theater. Gains in efficiencies via specialization, reduce transportation. Run the coordinators on the periphery, in small offices. Get the undergrad on campus for appointed lab time, etc.

Hey, anybody wondering what we are going to do with undergrad chemistry in the age of nano tech? Building aggregate statistic from known, measurable elements in the finite set? Isn't the course material now a bit reordered?

But, what a great business model. Here in Fresno, I could offer to bond and evaluate students who take any of the MIT course set. Go through the MIT recommended evaluations process, insure the students completion. I could run a hundred students! Offer an undergrad degree from MIT! Really, other than the labs, for undergrads, at least the first two years.

MIT, in turn, is mainly deep development labs. The periphery sends undergrads onto campus for spring lab camp, the advancing student going more often and making deeper commitments to physica experiments.

Do the same with sports and exercise. Make some schools specialize in long term physical body and team development, let the academics be on line, off campus. Even a theater and studio lab, somewhere, physically with camp dorms; vocational labs, medical scholos. Separate labs from the low cost academics.

So how do we define proof of completion. First, photo ID. Second, shared blog with the evaluater. Once a month group discussion. You know, verify the student, and cover missing items. The business could even guarantee the on line tests taken at the office. For the price, the student dumps a $1500 on the service, for a course series, the evaluator doing $150 -200 grand of business, from a small office and seminar room, in evaluations/verification. The student gets a two year MIT education for 3-4 grand. Then MIT gets their pick for upper division, sending the best students through the lab series and drill for two years if they want.

What about teacher jobs with on line education?
You get more of them. Education becomes much less of a hassle for everyone, big gains in efficiency that the expansion of in line bonded courses will outstrip available educators for a while. There will be a expansion of the certification industry, landscaping, horticulture, pre nurse, pre med, basic construction,.. .. expansion in specialties. Separating the academics, makes the labs mch more efficient and specialized. For a professional welder, running the welding lab, out of his business, he gets students bonded on the known on line material. His lab can further certify.

Actually, this works for students. Getting little certificates is fun, and the parties afterward a blast.

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