Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Jonathon Alter compares apples to oranges

As New York Times columnist Charles Blow has noted, a new CNN/ORC Poll shows that while 35 percent of the public (the conservative base) oppose Obamacare because it’s too liberal, 16 percent oppose it because it isn’t liberal enough
In other words, 59 percent of the American public either supports Obamacare or wants it to go further. John ALter

Would our prefer ACA or free anti-gravity machines? That would be a stupid survey question. But what these pollers did was not much different, they ask: Do you want to replace what we have with something we do not have. One cannot make a valid survey by having two choices, one based in reality and one based on the Theory of Things that Never Happened.

A better phrasing:
Would you rather ACA work through the state exchanges or should all states simply use the exchange in DC?
That question compares apples to slightly different apples, and your results are more accurate, but they still address the point of central government single payer, to some extent.
Anyway the practice of statistical irregularity in support of confirmation bias is universal among economists.

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