Sunday, October 20, 2013

What the Shutdown reveals about Richard Florida and confirmation bias

Richard Florida says:

The geography of Tea Party conservatives is largely what you’d expect. Half are in the South, and a quarter are in the Midwest. Not a single one is in the Northeast or the along the Pacific coast. All voted for Romney over Obama. As Lizza points out, using data from Cook Political Report’s David Wasserman, the average district in this "suicide caucus" was three-quarters white, compared to 63 percent white in the average House district.
I notice all the tea party dots seem to be in small Hoover states, surrounding DC, and all first in line for discretionary spending from the 60 Hoover Senators.  Here is the location of the mean population center:

 Notice the vast majority of dots lie on the east side of the divide, closer to DC.  A chart of the stimulus programs also, coincidently, favored small states in the east. New York is a big liberal state with the finance franchise. They do not like Hoover states, nor does California nor, really , Texas.

Then this outrageous, bogus piece of shit correlation study done by some numbskull Freudian:
Martin Prosperity Institute ran a simple correlation analysis looking at the share of a state’s congressional delegation that had signed the August letter to Boehner (and thereby made it into Lizza’s "suicide caucus") and key economic and demographic characteristics of the state.

OK, all the less educated professors from UC, explain why the same correlation was not run on the 50% of Californians who are dirt poor, barely speak English, do not have a fair Senate vote, will never see a dime of discretionary spending, and are the less educated result of California being a high taxed doner state? No response from UC because the professors there never understood what is means to run statistics on the complete set.  Richard Florida and the Bozos who produced the map have really created the world they want, with the set of states from 1820, leaving Texas and California off the map and assigning New York to be the hegemon.

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