Sunday, August 31, 2014

Combining hyperbolics in the quark system

What do we know?

Shannon holds so sinh^2 = 1 + cosh^2. This includes the band gap for spearability and makes finite order hyperbolic wave.

In the quark system the band gap is shared so:

s1^2 + s2^2 + s3^2 = 1 + c1^2 + c2^2 + c3^2  They are triangular because they can make band gap noise triangular.

We know that the quarks cannot exceed the Higgs band limit, the color white.

s1*s2*s3 = K

We know they are pairwise separated to make the Efimov:
s1*s2 + s1*s3 + s2*s3 = E

We know the lower band limit is set by the electron orbitals and that should be the Compton bandwidth standardized by 1836. So the spectrum is contained:
s1+s2+s3 = S

We have the root system, and we already know the roots from previous work.  So, just skip the Boson thing and use spectral definitions instead. And we know the spin and charge are just quantum shifts in the cosh and sinh functions, on a unit circle basis.  These shifts narrow the hyperbolic angle and complete the flow between unit spheres.

Model the thing as two simultaneous exchanges per unit sphere, but allow for possibly three. So there is an additional warping noise on the unit spheres. But the limit of two exchange per event makes Efimov fundamental. The other fundamental is no redundant spectrum.

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